District Board of Trustees

Polk State College, like Florida’s other state colleges, 是由一个地方自治的地区保管委员会管理,该委员会不提供任何报酬. 受托人在大学政策的所有事项上都有决策权, programs, building, budget, and personnel, and the President of the College reports directly to the Board.

佛罗里达州州长任命这七名杰出的当地公民组成的小组. 受托人每月召开一次会议,贡献他们的时间和才能,指导澳门新葡京博彩实现其成为“质量驱动的教育机构”的使命, providing access to affordable associate and baccalaureate degrees, career certificates, and workforce development programs, delivered by diverse, 合格的教职员工致力于通过一致的合作实践和追求卓越来实现学生的学习和成就.”

Teresa V. Martinez, Chair

Teresa V. Martinez is the president and founder of the Institute of Spanish Communication Inc., and a Polk State College alumna. 她还为电视和广播制作和主持西班牙语节目,比如“社区万岁”,” which aired on PGTV. Teresa is  the author of the bilingual book, “Success in Exile — Five Decades of Cuban Stories.” 她是古巴人,15岁时,她和家人逃离古巴,搬到了波尔克县. After graduating from Polk State College in 1975, she attended the University of Central Florida, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Education. She spent 11 years teaching Spanish at Lakeland High School.  She has been a member of several boards of directors, including the Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce, the Central Florida Speech and Hearing Center, 帝国交响乐团和莱克兰西班牙俱乐部/西班牙音乐节.  She is a recipient of the Governor’s Point of Light Award, 全国女企业主协会莱克兰分会颁发的杰出女性奖和莱杰媒体集团颁发的2013年企业家奖. In 1997, 她被选为佛罗里达中部发展委员会的年度国际个人, and in 2006, 波尔克县委员会宣布特蕾莎·马丁内斯日,以表彰她在2004年飓风季节所做的贡献.

Cindy Hartley Ross, Vice Chair

Cindy Hartley Ross is the owner of Social Graces, a company specializing in etiquette and protocol training. 她是莱克兰人,目前担任佛罗里达大学协会副主席和华盛顿佛罗里达之家董事会成员, D.C.她在该组织的湖区委员会(Lakeland Council)工作了20多年. 她还在华盛顿特区的前国会配偶咨询委员会任职.C., Girls Inc. of Lakeland Board of Trustees, Polk Arts Alliance Advisory Council, and Habitat for Humanity Advisory Council. 她曾担任佛罗里达州妇女地位委员会委员, Board and Board of Governors member of the Polk Museum of Art, and President of the Polk Arts Alliance.

罗斯在杰布·布什州长任内为澳门新葡京博彩区董事会服务了17年, Charlie Crist, and Rick Scott. Additionally, 她曾在澳门新葡京博彩基金会董事会任职,并担任澳门新葡京博彩校友会主席, 并代表澳门新葡京博彩加入了佛罗里达社区学院协会和全国组织, Association of Community College Trustees.  她花了15年的时间在波尔克县公立学校做志愿者和代课教师. 曾在罗谢尔艺术学院和乔治·詹金斯高中担任过多个职位, 包括家长教师协会主席和学术促进会主席, she earned Volunteer of the Year awards at both schools, the USA Presidents Volunteer Service Award, and the Kids Count Award.

Ashley Bell Barnett

阿什利·贝尔·巴内特(Ashley Bell Barnett)是一名社区倡导者,曾担任公共教育工作者, workforce development analyst, and nonprofit leader. 她于2014年加入澳门新葡京博彩基金会董事会,并担任领导职务,包括发展主席, Treasurer, and Vice-Chair. She concluded her service on the Foundation Board in June 2020. In addition to her leadership and advocacy at Polk State, Barnett担任佛罗里达中部联合之路董事会副主席和社区影响主席. She also serves the Lakeland Regional Hospital Foundation Board, GiveVisual Board, Talbot  House Fundraising Committee, Polk Academies Board, and as Central Florida Speech and Hearing Fundraiser and Letter Campaign Chair. 此外,她还作为枢纽研究员协助佛罗里达理工大学的外展工作. 她参加过佛罗里达领导力和超越州界的领导力项目,是波尔克领导力12级的毕业生. Barnett持有the University of South Florida的公共管理硕士学位,以及Florida Southern College的学士学位. She is a fifth-generation Floridian who lives in Winter Haven with her husband, Wesley Barnett, and their two daughters

Ann Barnhart

安·巴恩哈特是adventhehealth西佛罗里达分部的战略副总裁. Prior to her current role, 她曾担任adventhehealth Polk市场的首席业务发展办公室. Prior to AdventHealth, she was Market CEO for Heart of Florida Regional Medical Center in Haines City, 在那里她直接负责医院的行政和运营以及对威尔士湖医疗中心的运营监督.

With more than 40 years of experience in healthcare, Barnhart began her career at Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, 加入佛罗里达州的Health Management Associates,担任高级副总裁/部门总裁.

她是海恩斯市经济发展委员会和温特黑文经济发展委员会的成员,也是温特黑文商会的董事会成员, Truist, Give Well Foundation, and Associated Industries of Florida (AIF). In November 2018, 她于2023年被选为州长德桑蒂斯的健康和保健过渡咨询委员会成员, was appointed to the District Board of Trustees for Polk

Greg Littleton

Greg Littleton is president and chief executive officer of Citizens Bank & Trust. He graduated from Polk State College in 1987. 他后来进入田纳西州的弗里德-哈德曼大学学习,并于1989年以优异成绩毕业. He has been at Citizens Bank & Trust since 1997 and has been president since 2001. He serves on the board of the Lake Wales Arts Council, Florida School of Preaching, Florida Bank Pac, Government Relations Council for the Florida Bankers Association, Polk State College’s Workforce Education Council, the executive board of the Polk Vision Steering Committee, and is chair of the Economic Development Foundation. He is the past president of the following: Lake Wales Chamber of Commerce, East Polk Committee of 100, and Central Florida Development Committee.

Ashley Troutman

Ashley Troutman是一名财务顾问,在西北共同金融网络(Northwestern Mutual financial Network)经营金融服务业务. 他和他的团队让客户参与财务规划过程,包括风险管理和财富管理.  Troutman has been a business owner in the industry since 2012.

A lifelong Lakelander, 他在波尔克县公立学校完成了他的小学教育,并从乔治詹金斯高中毕业. 他在澳门新葡京博彩获得副学士学位,在南佛罗里达大学获得市场营销学士学位. He is also a published poet, and his work has been featured in two books published by Brown Bear Publishing.

A member of Leadership Lakeland Class 27 and Leadership Polk Class 12, Troutman has served the Polk County community in several different capacities, including as Chairman of the Board at Lighthouse Ministries, a member of the Lakeland Regional Health Foundation Board of Directors, a member of the Lakeland Electric Utility Advisory Committee, a member of the IDEA Public Schools Advisory Board, and other committee roles for various organizations. He is also actively involved in his church. He lives in Lakeland with his wife, Kia, and their two sons, Bryce and Ellis.